Why is family photography so important.

The importance of family photography.

Having a family portrait up on the wall in your home is a stable visualisation for young children to see how a family works and where they belong. Having everyone in the frame together is showing them that you are one equal unit who are together through thick and thin…. When you think back on your family photos as a child I bet you can remember every detail, the colour of the dresses and shirts, parents and grandparents immortalised smiles beaming out at you. A happy legacy and a comforting anchor.

Judy Weiser, an American psychologist and art therapist, is a premier authority on the use of photo-based therapy and affirms that “family portraiture lets children learn who they are and where they fit”. Portraits allow children to develop a sense of self-awareness in an intuitive way – encouraging feelings of love and belonging beyond their physical presence. To help boost your child’s self-esteem in a practical way, it’s a great idea to have photographs/portraits displayed in your child’s bedroom, so it can be among the last things they see before sleep and among the first things they see before beginning their day. These visual reminders will comfort them in the knowledge that their family is always there to support them through life, no matter what difficulties arise.

Where are the majority of your family photos today….?

On your phone or hard drive or Instagram? We all have amazing phones today, they take amazing pictures and they can even make us look ten years younger but the one thing the phone camera can’t do is bring you all together with an amazing wildflower backdrop, have the sun light casting over you at the perfect angle and getting you all in one picture. A phone can’t snap the connections you have as a family and they sure as hell can’t get the in-between everyday moments. They are the moments we want to remember…. yes the perfectly posed, smiling pictures are the ones that hang proudly on the walls but what about the photo of your toddler reaching to be picked up, the big smile when you do pick them up and the way you subconsciously breath in the smell of windswept hair whilst little fingers are clutching your arm!?

No one will ever regret having too many family photos, unfortunately it’s the other way around and when they are grown, they are grown.

Every year we make a big deal out of school photos…. and rightly so, these are the years they develop and grow in to them selfs faster than any other time of life. But why don’t we make a big deal out of doing this as a family? It’s fun!! Gone are the days when family portraits are sitting in a row, matching outfits and everyone smiling at the camera. Now, we play games, skip, dance and cuddle up.

It’s a real life version of recording heights on a door frame or bedroom wall. You don’t see them growing until you compare the previous measurement.

Coming together for a family photoshoot is something that older children might resist, but when you pick the right photographer then they can make light of the situation, empathise and let them act their age…… when they are older they will treasure the same photo that they didn’t want be apart of. Even some adults resist it, thinking “i need to loose a bit of winter weight” or saying “i hate looking my picture” BUT its not about you looking at you, its about you looking at the children and reliving the family time, the children will be looking at you as they always do….. their parent who they look up to and love unconditionally.

3 Top Tips on how to get ready for a family photoshoot.

  1. Avoid hangry-ness. Make sure everyone is fed and watered. Bring drinks and bring dry snacks to keep everyone going.

  2. Compliment your clothing. Now, this does not mean every one wear white t-shirts and jeans or all wear navy stripes!! It means start with one outfit and find items of clothing for the rest of the family that look nice next to it. Colours that you would see in nature at that time of year are always a great start. You can also use my Client Wardrobe as a starting point or use it to fill in any gaps rather than hunting the high street for new clothes. Remember, be comfortable…. tight fitting clothes are not going to be comfortable when you are moving around lots, plus movement in clothing makes for a more dynamic and interesting picture

  3. Pick your photographer wisely. Some people go with the one that is the closest to them or the cheapest….. This is not the smart choice. There are so many unique styles out there, we are creatives and we can see our version of the picture before it’s taken. So firstly pick the style you love ie the most playful, light and airy or moody etc. Look through the gallery of images they have on their website because that is what you will get. Secondly, chat with them. See if you get good vibes, will they fit in with your family? This is really important because you are putting your trust in your photographer to create with you. Are your children going to connect with them. Read the reviews from previous families to get a feel of what they will be like.


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